77493 - Homes and Houses for Sale and Rent

Search 77493 Real Estate and find real estate listings for sale and real estate for rent in Harris County. 1,016 homes for sale and 277 houses for rent in 77493 Zip Code. View 1,293 Katy Homes and Houses for Sale and Rent. HAR.com is the Official MLS website and mobile app for home buyers and homes sellers. See Listing Details & Photos, School & Neighborhood info and Contact Agent.


77493 Real Estate Market Overview

List Price
$508,111 avg.
List Price/Sqft
$202.02 avg.
$2,549 avg.
$1.22 avg.

Home Sizes

4 avg.
2,457 avg.
Year Built
2039 avg.

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77493 MLS Statistics
Number of Active Listings 1293
Average Listprice $508,111
Median Square Feet 2,457
Average Bedroom 4
Average Bathroom 3
Residential Lease 277
Single Family Property 972
Townhouse / Condo Property 17
Residential Lots 14
Country Homes/Acreage 13
Residential Lease Property 277
Based on current MLS data
77493 Demographics
City Katy
County Harris County
Population 31,097
# of Households 9,798
Persons per Household 3.17
Avg. Income per Household $95,043
Income per Capita $30,021
Owner vs Renter Occupied Housing Units 4.10 : 1
Data provided by ESRI

See 1,293 homes for sale in 77493 along with houses for rent in 77493 directly from the Official MLS Site. Search 77493 Real Estate and find real estate listings for sale and real estate for rent on HAR.com. View recently listed homes for sale and 77493 homes for rent, trending real estate in 77493, recently sold homes in 77493, home values in 77493, schools in 77493 and neighborhoods. You can also narrow your search to find 77493 single family homes, townhouses / condos in 77493, apartments in 77493 and more. Just click on the link to find real estate agents in 77493, real estate firms in 77493 so you have access to the most information you need to make a better decision of buying and selling your home in 77493.


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Community Reviews and Ratings

Edith Smith
Start FullStart FullStart FullStart FullStar Empty 4 / 5 Community Rating

“Fantastic zip-code, because is Katy school district with lots shopping places and also close to two major Highways. (I-10 Katy freeway and Grand parkway/99) people love it! ”

Reviewed on 03/15/2019
Community Rating
Community ratings based on 1 reviews.
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77493 Top 50 Subdivisions and Neighborhoods

77493 Top 50 Subdivisions and Neighborhoods
Subdivision Zip Med.Appraisal Avg.Sqft. Avg.Yr.Built
Katy Lake Estates 77493 $659,985 3,762 2008
Hidden Forest Estates (Katy) 77493 $656,889 3,686 2000
Katy Prairie Estates 77493 $540,178 3,421 2015
Huntington Estates 77493 $508,088 4,149 1998
Manorwood Estates 77493 $469,541 3,116 2001
Falls At Green Mdw 77493 $432,827 3,405 2014
Enclave At Katy 77493 $417,170 3,189 2017
Marcello Lakes 77493 $412,267 2,891 2020
Elyson 77493 $386,539 2,741 2020
LILAC RESIDENTIAL 77493 $385,929 3,396 2021
Pine Forest (Katy) 77493 $376,983 2,724 1981
KATY LKS 77493 $371,816 2,684 2020
Timberwilde (77493) 77493 $363,921 3,028 1992
Hunters Terrace Estates 77493 $362,270 2,640 2001
Whispering Lakes 77493 $360,949 3,623 2002
H & T C Railroad Co 77493 $353,280 2,379 1984
Pine Mdws Sub 77493 $345,588 2,228 1980
Abstract (77493) 77493 $341,022 2,436 1995
Hunters Terrace 77493 $338,496 2,368 1996
KATY POINTE 77493 $331,114 2,510 2020
KATY MANOR SOUTH 77493 $327,566 2,580 2021
Williamson W I H & T C Ry 77493 $322,489 2,143 1998
Lakecrest Park 77493 $312,974 2,412 2016
Ventana Lakes 77493 $312,862 2,350 2016
Fawnlake 77493 $300,691 2,338 2003
Katy Oaks 77493 $297,293 2,680 2014
Pine Lakes 77493 $296,639 2,229 2005
King Crossing 77493 $296,422 2,393 2017
Victoria Lakes 77493 $290,730 2,406 2003
Katy Trails 77493 $287,746 2,091 2018
PORTER RANCH 77493 $285,285 1,889 2020
CAMILLO LAKES 77493 $281,433 2,240 2020
Stone Crest 77493 $281,253 2,424 2011
Morton Creek Ranch 77493 $280,109 2,476 2015
Katy Estates 77493 $279,969 2,123 1968
Lakecrest Forest 77493 $276,500 2,385 2013
Riceland Terrace 77493 $274,500 1,989 1977
Lakecrest 77493 $272,448 2,248 2006
Katy Manor 77493 $271,045 2,224 2018
McManus Interests 77493 $261,587 2,118 2000
Katy Outlots 77493 $258,794 1,582 1955
North Katy Estates 77493 $258,529 2,302 1971
North Thomas To Katy 77493 $258,417 1,846 1940
Robertson Htc Ry 77493 $257,577 1,800 1982
Lakecrest Village 77493 $255,916 2,046 2012
Morrison Boulevard Place 77493 $255,396 2,083 2001
KATY XING 77493 $252,069 1,796 2020
Motheral 77493 $249,865 1,552 1961
Phillips Katy 77493 $248,946 1,821 1977
Williamsburg Parish 77493 $244,465 2,267 2000