550 Menielle Rd

Robert Lee, TX 76945
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132.00 Lote Acres
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West Texas Hunting Ranch for sale near San Angelo and Midland Odessa This low-fenced hunting property sits north of Robert Lee off of Exxon Road on Menielle Road just a half a mile from Lake Spence as the crow flies. The ranch has good cover and nice views of the surrounding hills including views of Meadow Mountain to the west. It sits in between Meadow Creek and Rough Creek, which are tributaries to Lake Spence. These creeks are a great attractant for wildlife. The land has a two-year-old single-wide mobile home with a large carport. The water well and well house sit to the west of the house. There is a storage or workshop and a semi-truck trailer for feed storage. The hunting is considered good and consists of populations of Whitetail, Mule Deer, Axis, Quail, and Dove. Many deer come from the lake side of the property. Call for more information.

Precio de Listado
En venta
550 Menielle Rd
Código Postal
Tipo de Propiedad
Lotes Residenciales
Tamaño de terreno
132.00 Lote Acres/Distrito de tasación

Mapa de propiedades

Información del Lote

Tamaño de terreno
5,749,920 Sqft.
Descargo de responsabilidad: La configuración y las dimensiones del lote son estimaciones, no se basan en conocimiento personal y provienen de un tercero (Productos de mapas digitales); por lo tanto, no debe confiar en las estimaciones y realizar una confirmación independiente de su exactitud.

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Esta propiedad puede ser elegible para 26 programas y hasta $22,000 en asistencia para el pago inicial.  Ver más →


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Presentado por TimeValue Software ©2021
Principal & InterestTaxes30.4%69.6%
Listing TaxNumbers
Principal e intereses2,841
-------- --------

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Listado actualizado por última vez Jan 09, 2024 at 04:01 AM
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550 Menielle Rd, Robert Lee, TX 76945. Ver fotos, mapa, impuestos, casas cercanas en venta, valores de las casas, información de la escuela...

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